1.Sukses / Success

Selalu berjuang penuh semangat,
Sepenuh hati setiap saat,
Rintangan pasti akan menghambat,
Jalan pun akan terkadang lambat,
Yakinkan hati mantapkan niat,
Yang terbaik pasti kau dapat,
Sukses tak selalu haruslah cepat...

Keep struggling with fully spirit,
Working with heart in every time,
Obstacles of course would coming,
The progress sometimes would become slower,
Have faith in heart strengthen the will,
What the best one surely will be yours,
Success is not always must be quickly...

2.Demi yg terbaik / For the best

Semangat juangku tak akan redup,
Walau seribu jalan tertutup,
Selagi udara masih kuhirup,
Buat apapun ku harus sanggup,
Demi yang terbaik seumur hidup...

My spirit of fight will never down,
although one thousand ways had closed,
as long as the air is breathable,
Doing whatever i must capable,
For the best in a life time...

3.Takkan kembali / No return

Waktu berjalan tiada henti,
Hari terus berganti hari,
Waktu yang lalu takkan kembali,
Yang terjadi tinggal memori,
Tiadalah guna kita sesali,
Hidup adalah hari ini,
Mantapkan langkah yakinkan diri,
Lakukan sesuatu yang lebih berarti,
Dimana yang kurang kita perbaiki,

Time is running never ever stop,
Days after days is going,
Time has passed never be replay,
Whatever happened became memory,
There's no use to regret for,
Life is today right now,
Have faith in steps believe in your self,
Doing something more meaningful,
Where there's a weakness we do correction...

4.Jiwa Muda / Youth spirit

Dalam gelora jiwa muda,
Dengan semangat kuat membara,
Dalam menggapai segala asa,
Tiada kata tidak bisa...

In the turbulence Youth spirit,
With the strong madly motivation,
In purpose to reach every dreams,
There's no word say "CAN'T"...

5.Ibarat Bintang / Like a star

Ibarat bintang aku bersinar,
Di langit luas aku beredar,
Meskipun banyak bintang yang besar,
Sinarnya lebih terang memancar,
Tak membuatku menjadi pudar,
Aku tetap akan bersinar,
Karena yakin, giat dan tegar,
Ku akan jadi bintang yang besar...

like a star i'm shinning,
in the whole sky i'm being,
Although there're many bigger stars,
which having light more shinier,
Never made me to became fading,
I will always be shinning,
Because of faith, consistent and unbreakable,
I would be the bigger star...

Pantang Mundur / Never stepback

Biar tantangan terus membentur,
Maju terus pantang mundur,
Terus maju dengan teratur,
Rintangan menghadang kita gempur...

Let the troubles coming and hitting,
Keep going on never stepback,
Continuously go on regularly,
Obstacles blocking we destroy it...

Tekad / The Will

Dengan tekad di dalam hati,
Majulah terus jangan berhenti,
Dengan langkah berhati-hati,
Walau perlahan namun pasti...

With the will in the heart,
Just going on never stop,
With the carefully steps,
although slowly but surely...

Iman / Faith

Apa pun terjadi tetap bertahan,
Teruslah usaha bangun harapan,
Tiada mundur setengah jalan,
Majulah terus walau perlahan,
Orang beriman disayang Tuhan...

Whatever happens keep holding on,
Go on trying to build the hope,
Never stepback on a half way,
Keep going on although slowly,
People who have faith blessing by God...

Anganku / My Notion

Sebuah angan tak kesampaian,
Sebab tak cukup keberanian,
Setiap hari jadi pikiran,
Tak bisa tidur di waktu makan...

There's a notion not fulfilled,
Due to not enough braveness,
Every single day became a thought,
Could not get sleep in the meal time...

Siap siaga / be ready

Terus berpikir mencari jalan,
Untuk mencapai titik sasaran,
Peluang datang jangan lewatkan,
Selalu siap ambil tindakan...

always thinking to find the way,
in purpose of reach the point of view,
The chances coming never let it go,
always be ready to take an action...

Semangat / Spirit

Tuhan ciptakan kita manusia,
Bukanlah hidup sia-sia
Dalam hidup harus usaha,
Dalam mencapai cita dan cinta...

Hidup bukan untuk menanti,
Menunnggu berkah turun ke bumi,
Semangat hidup jangan berhenti,
Terus berjuang cipta prestasi...

God created we are the human,
Not just to become meaningless,
In our lives we should effort,
in purpose to reach the love and dreams...

Life is not just to wait,
Waiting blessing come down to the earth,
Life spirit never be stopped,
Go on keep struggle making achievement...